School leader, book your Along demo

In your demo you’ll get:

  • a product walk-through
  • an overview of how Along can drive engagement and improve school culture
  • implementation methods to support your school-wide goals

Give your teachers a meaningful and routine way to create more engaging and inclusive classrooms. Are you a teacher? Skip the demo and start using Along for free now!

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Teacher-student connections open doors to support academic effort and learning in the classroom. We knew that we had to find some way to offer a different kind of connection for our students and teachers, and Along filled that void for us.”

Headshot of Will Ruffin

Executive Director of Equity and Engagement, Rochester Public Schools

In order for deep learning to occur, there has to be relationships with students. When teachers know what makes their students tick and what they are passionate about, they can better help them and make their students feel connected to the classroom. Along is a tool that starts conversations and relationship building in a systematic way.”

Headshot of Alyta H

Pasadena Independent School District’s associate superintendent for campus development

I made it a priority to put relationships first. Content will come. We've got to embed time in our school day to allow for social emotional learning, to allow for relationship building. With the Along tool, they are maturing. They are learning how to talk to each other. They’re learning how to talk and interact with adults in a positive way.”

Tanis Griffin

principal at Thompson Intermediate School

Get a demo of Along

Give your teachers a meaningful and routine way to create more engaging and inclusive classrooms. Along is a free teacher-student connection builder that utilizes research-backed reflection questions to open up lanes of communication so teachers can better understand and address student needs.

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Grounded in research and practical experience

Along partners with researchers, experts in the field, teachers, and students to develop questions and resources designed to build strong relationships, solicit meaningful student input, and boost instructional practice.