student voice

Along is a free online platform that helps educators strengthen connections with their students, setting them up for positive outcomes —even within the challenging realities of today’s classrooms.

How Along builds and strengthens trust

Create a positive school community

Activities created by partners, educators, and students with a lens of inclusivity

1:1 Teacher-student reflections

Research-informed reflection questions designed to build connections

Easy to use

Teachers can set up and use with students in minutes

Data privacy commitment

Along is COPPA Safe Harbor and FERPA certified by iKeepSafe

What people are saying

Teacher-student connections open doors to support academic effort and learning in the classroom. We knew that we had to find some way to offer a different kind of connection for our students and teachers, and Along filled that void for us.”

Headshot of Will Ruffin

Executive Director of Equity and Engagement, Rochester Public Schools

In order for deep learning to occur, there has to be relationships with students. When teachers know what makes their students tick and what they are passionate about, they can better help them and make their students feel connected to the classroom. Along is a tool that starts conversations and relationship building in a systematic way.”

Headshot of Alyta H

Pasadena Independent School District’s associate superintendent for campus development

I made it a priority to put relationships first. Content will come. We've got to embed time in our school day to allow for social emotional learning, to allow for relationship building. With the Along tool, they are maturing. They are learning how to talk to each other. They’re learning how to talk and interact with adults in a positive way.”

Tanis Griffin

principal at Thompson Intermediate School

Grounded in research and practical experience

Along partners with researchers, experts in the field, teachers, and students to develop questions and resources designed to build strong relationships, solicit meaningful student input, and boost instructional practice.

Create thriving campuses primed for student success

Download our eBook to learn how educators can create responsive and inclusive classrooms to support students.

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Empowerment in education

Empowerment in education refers to the process of enabling students to have more agency over their learning experiences, develop critical thinking skills, and become more independent learners. The purpose of empowerment is to give students the tools and resources they need to succeed. By empowering students in the classroom, educators can help them develop the skills they need to navigate the challenges they will face in their personal and professional lives.

What is student empowerment?

Student empowerment involves equipping students with life skills that will enable them to succeed both academically and beyond the classroom. These life skills include problem-solving, critical thinking, decision-making, goal setting, communication, collaboration, leadership, adaptability, and more. By empowering students with these skills, educators can help them develop into well-rounded individuals.

There are several ways to empower students in the classroom. One approach is to provide them with opportunities to engage in hands-on, experiential learning activities that encourage them to think critically, solve problems, and work collaboratively with others. Another approach is to encourage students to take ownership of their learning by setting goals, tracking their progress, and reflecting on their experiences.

How do schools empower students?

Student empowerment examples in schools include giving students a voice in classroom discussions and decision-making, providing them with opportunities to take on leadership roles in group projects, and encouraging them to explore their interests and passions through independent study and research. By empowering students in these ways, educators can help them develop the confidence and skills they need to become successful adults.

How to empower students in the classroom

Empowering students in learning means giving them the tools and resources they need to take ownership of their education. This includes providing them with opportunities to engage in active, hands-on learning experiences, encouraging them to set achievable goals, and supporting them in their efforts to explore their interests and passions.

Student empowerment is an essential component of a well-rounded education. By empowering students in the classroom, educators can help them develop vital skills and confidence. Empowerment in education is crucial for enabling students to take control of their learning experiences and become more independent learners.

Importance of empowering students

Empowerment in education is crucial for the healthy growth and development of students. Empowered students are equipped with the necessary tools and resources to succeed academically and in many other areas of their lives.

10 ways to empower students with choice

One of the best tactics for empowering students in the classroom is giving them choices. Here are ten ways to empower students with choice:

  1. Let students choose their own topics for research projects.
  2. Offer students a variety of reading materials to select from.
  3. Provide different ways for students to demonstrate understanding, such as through art, writing, or presentations.
  4. Give students the option to work independently or in groups.
  5. Allow students to choose their own seating arrangements.
  6. Let students choose their preferred learning styles.
  7. Offer multiple assessment options.
  8. Provide students with opportunities to select their pace of learning.
  9. Encourage student input in classroom rules and policies.
  10. Allow students to choose their own extracurricular activities.

How can teachers empower students?

Some of the best ways for teachers to empower students in the classroom include:

  • Providing opportunities for active and hands-on learning.
  • Encouraging student input.
  • Fostering a safe and supportive learning environment.

It is essential to create a classroom culture that encourages students to explore, to take risks, and to learn from their mistakes. When students feel confident in their abilities, they are more likely to pursue their goals. Empowering students can also prepare them to navigate the challenges they will face in life by helping them develop important skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication.

Empowering students through outcome-based education is another approach to learner empowerment. Outcome-based education focuses on the learning outcomes that students need to achieve rather than the content that needs to be covered. This approach allows for more flexibility in teaching and encourages students to take ownership of their learning journey.

Student empowerment

Student empowerment refers to the process of helping students develop the tools and resources they need to become independent learners. Empowering students involves creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

How to empower students with life skills

One way to empower students is by providing them with opportunities to make impactful choices. Teachers can provide these opportunities by offering a variety of activities and assignments that allow students to demonstrate their learning in different ways.

Schools can empower students by providing access to technology and other resources that support their learning. Further, schools can build community by empowering students through technology, providing them with opportunities to collaborate and connect with others. By using technology to create a collaborative learning environment, students can work together to solve problems and share their ideas.

Another strategy for empowering student choice is offering opportunities for student-led activities and projects. By giving students choice in the classroom, teachers can help them develop initiative, confidence, and leadership skills.

How to engage and empower students

To engage and empower students, teachers can incorporate student voices in the classroom by asking for inputand suggestions from students on classroom activities and assignments. When students feel that their ideas and input are valued, they are more likely to become invested in their learning outcomes and engage with the learning material.

What does it mean to empower students in learning?

Empowering students is crucial for their growth and development as learners. Student empowerment typically involves creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment that fosters necessary skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and independence. Teachers and schools can empower their students by offering them meaningful choices, incorporating their voices and input, and providing opportunities for them to take charge of their own projects and activities. Schools can also try empowering students through technology and by providing resources that support their learning objectives.

Enhancing student learning through effective student input

Student input is a powerful tool for enhancing their learning. This practice involves not only providing students with feedback but inviting them for input as well. With ongoing feedback throughout the learning process, it allows teachers to make adjustments to their learning strategies. By providing students with effective formative feedback, teachers can support students in their learning and help them close the gaps between their current skill levels and their goals.

How can teachers support students in learning?

There are many ways for teachers to support students in their learning. First of all, teachers can provide timely and specific guidance that focuses on student progress towards goals. This feedback should be constructive, actionable, and focused on areas for improvement. Teachers can also help students develop self-assessment skills by encouraging them to provide input and reflect on their learning to identify areas where they need additional support.

What is student voice?

Another way to enhance student learning through formative feedback is by promoting student voices in the classroom. Student voice refers to the active participation of students in their own learning. When students are encouraged to participate in the learning process, they can take full advantage of ongoing formative feedback to improve their skills.

There are many benefits of promoting student voice in the classroom. By giving students opportunities to provide input on classroom activities and assignments, teachers can help them become fully engaged with the lessons and take charge of their own learning outcomes. Teachers can also promote student choice by offering a variety of activities and assignments that allow students to demonstrate their learning in different styles. This approach can help students gain a sense of control over their learning and development.

In addition, effective formative feedback can help students take a more active role in their education. By providing students with incremental feedback on their progress, teachers can help students learn to take responsibility for their education and encourage them to engage in activities that will support their learning goals.

Offering effective formative feedback and promoting student choice in the classroom provides many more benefits as well. Giving students the freedom to choose their activities and assignments can help them develop their interests and passions, and it can also help students feel more invested in developing their natural skill sets. Additionally, promoting student choice can help students develop important skills like decision-making, problem-solving, and self-regulation.

Effective formative feedback is an excellent tactic for enhancing student learning. Teachers can support students in their learning by providing timely and specific feedback, promoting student voices in the classroom, and encouraging students to take responsibility for their own education. These strategies for empowering students can help learners become more invested in their academic journeys and aid them as they develop critical skills for success in school and life.

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